As summer begins, even minimal walks or playtime in the yard can mean your furry friend is more likely to become dehydrated. Now quenching thirst is as simple as increasing your pet's water intake, but as we know, most pets don't drink much water. What are some other ways we can make sure our pets stay hydrated?
How much water should my pet drink?
Unlike humans, cats and dogs do not require the same amount of water for their size. It all comes down to the difference in how their bodies are cooled.
Most dogs and cats should drink about 1 ounce of water for every pound they weigh each day. Growing puppies and pregnant dogs will use more water than normal adult dogs. Cats, on the other hand, need 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water for every 5 pounds of body weight per day. Dogs and cats that eat more wet food generally drink less water due to the higher moisture content in the wet food.
What are the symptoms of dehydration in pets?
Here are some common signs of dehydration in pets:
Sunken eyes
Dry gums.
Dry nose
General weakness.
Here are some telltale signs of dehydration in cats.
Gray or dry gums.
Sunken eyes
Lack of skin elasticity
Top tips for staying hydrated
Make sure they have access to plenty of clean water - your dog or cat will be more likely to drink if the water in their bowl is always fresh. Investing in good drinking fountains and bowls will help ensure your pet never goes thirsty.
Try adding more wet food to their diet - wet cat food and wet dog food have more moisture and are usually tastier. If your pet is an avid drinker, increasing their wet food intake can help keep them hydrated. As always, be sure to consult your vet if your pet is on a specific diet or medication.
Use cooling aids and toys – Cooling accessories such as vests, mats and pillows are a great way to help your pet cool down in hot weather. Since dogs and cats have sweat glands on their paws and mouths, even adding a cool chew toy can help your pet cool down faster.
As always, it's important to keep a close eye on your pet to make sure they're safe and hydrated outside or in the warmer months in general.
If your furry friend is showing any of the above signs of dehydration, please take them to the nearest vet immediately. They will have the appropriate medical equipment to assist.