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4 Festive Plants That Are Poisonous For Your Pet

During festive times, many of us decorate our homes for the occasion.

However, there are many traditional festive plants that can be very poisonous and should be kept away from our pets.

Here are four festive plants on your radar this year.

Mistletoe – The toxic chemicals in mistletoe are called lectins and ferrotoxins, and these chemicals affect the heart, lowering blood pressure and slowing the heart rate.

Holly - The berries of the holly plant are poisonous - not only to animals but also to children. When ingested, it causes holly poisoning with symptoms. Nausea, bleeding from the mouth, vomiting and diarrhea - to name a few.

Poinsettia Plant - Their famous red petals are actually leaves that contain chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters. They are mildly toxic to dogs and cats and can cause lethargy, mouth sores, diarrhea and vomiting - but only if ingested in large quantities.

Christmas trees - Although moderately toxic, they can produce an oil that can irritate your pet's mouth and stomach, but your pet is unlikely to ingest so much that they die. . Can cause serious damage.

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