Did you know that owning a rabbit has many benefits not only for your pet but also for you?
By keeping your rabbits indoors, it not only protects them from possible harm from predators, but also from the harsh summer conditions in the UAE. Keeping your rabbit indoors can help detect any illness or injury, as you will be able to quickly identify changes in behavior or appearance.
If you're ready to bring your rabbit into your home, read on to find out what you need to keep them happy and healthy.
Access to grass
As most rabbit owners know, access to grass is essential to support their digestive system and trim their teeth. Not only should grass be easily accessible, but make sure fresh vegetables and a good supply of water are available to stay healthy throughout the day. Shop our selection of hay here.
A potty space
Believe it or not, your pet rabbit can be trained to use the litter box. One thing to note is that not all litter is safe for your rabbit and can make them sick, so be aware of the type you are using.
Litter brands that are specific to small pets or paper-based litter are safe options to consider when making a decision.
Rabbits go to the toilet in pens or corners of rooms, so make sure to keep their potty in the corner of their pen or room.
Exercise and recreation
Like any other pet, rabbits can become bored if left without exercise and enrichment options.
To avoid potential destructive chewing, digging, and possible health problems, try to keep them safe inside a playpen equipped with enough rabbit toys to keep them active.
With some preparation, both you and your rabbit can live comfortably in your home.